I have finally done it! I have hated my lips for 10 years but I have finally made a change and I feel so much happier and more confident already and I cannot thank Holly and Flawless Cosmetic enough.
I felt confident and comfortable with Flawless Cosmetic from start to finish. A week prior to my appointment I received a message with information on how I should correctly prepare for my injections, such as tablets I should avoid taking beforehand which could cause my blood to thin and foods/herbal remedies to support a lesser amount of swelling and bruising. I was also given information on what to do and not to do after the treatment in order to ensure you can sort out your calendar ready for after your fillers! As well as sending this information Flawless Cosmetic were more than happy to answer any questions I had regarding the fillers but also my own queries in how much product I should get and how the nurse would help support me in making that judgement. I always get anxious before any decision I make, whether it may be a piercing, tattoo etc, but I will always settle on someone who makes me feel at ease and will give me guidance throughout and Flawless Cosmetic did this and more! I arrived for my appointment feeling very nervous but I brought an amazing friend with me who held my hand throughout the whole thing, I would definitely recommend this if you have never had fillers before and just need that extra support. Holly greeted us straight away with a smile and introduced herself, asked if I had ever had fillers before (which I hadn't), talked me through the treatment and a form which I had to fill out prior to being sat down. Holly also gave me time to ask any questions I still had which again helped reinforce that I had made the best decision in choosing Flawless Cosmetic as Holly wanted to make sure I was happy, comfortable and ready from start to finish. Holly then put plenty of numbing cream on my lips and I was asked to sit in the waiting area which gave time for the numbing cream to kick in, fill out my form and read through the information again regarding post treatment recommendations.
Once sat down, Holly asked about my concerns with my lips and how I would like them to look including particular details such as my cupids bow. I was also given lots of information on the type of Juvederm that was being used which I found very helpful as Holly made me aware that they use a type which is much softer in the lips helping it feel more natural and comfortable. I also discussed how I was debating whether to have 1ml or 1.5 ml of Juvederm, Holly talked me through how my lips would swell in a short space of time (making them look more plump than they would be once settled) and she would stop at 1ml to let me see the difference and see how I felt about how they looked with the swelling. I was recommended that if I liked the look with the slight swelling she would recommend the extra 0.5ml to provide that extra volume (which I dreamt of!). Holly talked me through what was happening and regularly checked to see if I was doing okay with the pain and if I was finding everything okay. We stopped at 1ml and discussed how I felt but we all knew pretty much instantly that I wanted the other 0.5ml so I chose on having a total of 1.5ml in my lips which I knew in the future I could build on and sculpt further. Holly let me have a good look in the mirror at my results after she had asked me to put some pressure on my lips before I was okay to leave. I was so happy. It meant the world to me and I couldn't believe how much happier I felt straight away.
Following the treatment you are recommended not to put any make up on the area for AT LEAST 24 hours. I chose not to wear any for two days following as I did not want to risk any bacteria getting into the area. I used ice for the first two days to aid with the swelling and bruising I had which helped dramatically. And now I am on the third day along and have begun to massage my lips gently using a warm cloth on top just to keep the product soft. I will continue to massage my lips once a day for two weeks. I could not be any more grateful to Holly for making my experience so comfortable and ensuring I had trust in her because I knew she wanted to give me the results I wanted. I had no idea what to expect having never had it done before and I cannot recommend Holly or Flawless Cosmetic enough to anyone. If you are nervous and want to make sure you go to somewhere who will do an amazing job then have a good stalk of Flawless Cosmetic and see how consistent their work is because that sells them to me more than anything and experience I had was fantastic. So thank you so much Holly and Flawless Cosmetic! Here is a quick photo collage of my transformation, I bruised like a peach...
Photo 1 - On the morning of my treatment before any filler.
Photo 2 - Straight after my filler. Photo 3 - Evening of appointment.
Photo 4 - The next morning.
Photo 5 - Almost 48 hours after treatment. Photo 6 - 3 days after filler. Photo 7 - 3 days after filler with make up!
So happy with my results, I am definitely beginning to think about my next steps to achieve my desired goal!
Source: http://beckyeavie.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/lip-augmentation-with-flawless-cosmetic.html?m=0